to be the trusted home for capital, known for smart investing.

Our Mission
The building blocks to achieve our vision.
To build a company made of high performing, motivated, fully engaged, well-rewarded and loyal team players. To both celebrate our success and learn from our failures. Our culture will be positive, transparent and exude a winning mentality.
To keep ESG at the heart of what we do as a firm. To keep it fully imbedded in our culture in a meaningful way. To take an intelligent and critical look at our approach and assessment of investments and operations. To ensure good ESG and smart investing are symbiotic for better investor outcomes.
To build a substantial international private equity business on the back of a successful track record of exits with highly satisfied investors and other stakeholders. We want to reach £10bn assets-under-management by 2030.
To be a top 10% PERE firm by investment performance. We will achieve this by deep and critical thinking, stress testing our investment theses to minimise downside risks and working every asset as hard as we can.
To give back to those less fortunate than ourselves. This can be achieved via financial giving, giving of our time or skills and other relevant resources. We will encourage and action a charitable and compassionate mindset. Our primary focus is within real estate related projects and helping young people.
To treat all of our connections (colleagues, clients, suppliers, vendors, network) in a fashion that is wholly consistent with our values, all of the time.
To maintain our independence for the long-term, protecting our values and building a strong brand and relationships across every part of our company. We want to make a long-term positive difference.

Our Values
Behaviours that shape our culture.
Prepared to make and stand by important decisions and to accept responsibility on our own shoulders for outcomes.
Turning new and imaginative ideas into reality, coming up with innovative solutions, thinking ‘out of the box’, seeking to always find a way.
Keeping to one’s word, promises, agreements, being truthful with all stakeholders. We do the right thing.
Taking care of the company’s resources and responsibilities as if they were our own.
Spots opportunities and creates plans to develop business, even the non-conventional, uses considerable initiative, assesses and evaluates risk.
Confident in opinion or assertion, projects confidence inspiring outward presence, remains focussed on a favourable outcome. Glass half full.
Among individuals, departments and divisions, regards the team as more important than the sum of the individuals, actively encourages team participation and joint success.
We do what we say
Can be relied upon to deliver against commitments within deadlines.